In a hive, there are only 5-8 strands. They will not nest eagle nest that is on the rocks but is on the tree height.

There are 2 types of feathers that there is one who yearns based on color, ie:
1. One who yearns brown reeds, its ability to be smaller and more difficult to find.
2. Reed one who yearns black, larger capacity and easy to find.
Feather one who yearns to have approximately 5-10 inches long and has a diameter of less than 1 millimeter. The color of this one who yearns fur is brown dg kehitam2an same basic shape with the eyebrow hair, on the tip is smaller than because of his. He has a distinguished nature of hard and easily broken when he was in the dry state, but will become soft in wet conditions.
The function of feathers is the one who yearns they will have some usefulness in the field of mysticism. In general, power / aura that arise from these feathers are white kehijau2an. This means its greatest strength is as a decoy, it can also be used as a medium pelaris in trade.
From the description some of my friends who have these objects, then use in various purposes have the same answer that is wanted to get love from someone.
Suppose pengguanan incantation for pellets: "O heart getarkan the one who yearns fur .... (call name).
reading the same spell with another loving mantera2 rocking horse, or loving mesem semar Wijoyo kusuma, so with this one who yearns fur media will get more afdol effect.
For other purposes is as a medium pelaris in trade, then the one who yearns fur ditaruhlah on storefront or place where money, believed to feather one who yearns tsb dg placed, then the sale will go more smoothly.
Reed couples have one who yearns to be "one who yearns BAMBOO / BAMBOO Intersection" (Not bamboo pethuk). Bamboo is if because of his split into 2 and then keduannya placed on the river that flows dg opposite, it is happening is that both will converge. Both parts of the bamboo will move slowly and then merge back. Parts of the bamboo they will still have the scars because of the merging of the two sides is only a bamboo stick to it. This is a test with the help of natural origin and is usually done on bamboo one who yearns.
Testing the authenticity of one who yearns fur and does not constitute or test the contents of his magical power, can be done in 2 ways, namely:
1. Natural Help Method.
This method requires the media as an absolute watershed that is used for testing. If the one who yearns fur included in the river water flowing, then they will not be one who yearns feather drifting (nusang, bamboo crate pethuk). If the one who yearns fur tsb is a natural object, even if does not have supernatural powers or the occupants had gone from feathers they will be, he still moves against the flow.
2. Method of Water Aid.
If the one who yearns fur tersentu by water, it will rotate to the right, when he viewed from the top hand. Reed one who yearns to be moving by itself when it rotates in a wet state. it is also often used as a determinant of the authenticity of one who yearns fur. Water which is used in this pengujiankeaslian not be determined given water, but free. Usually in use is the saliva from the testers.
One who yearns fur loving oils are usually made as well. Namely dg soaking into the jasmine oil or the like. Oil use, usually is refined oils which have properties and low alcohol.
If oil is made, then the supernatural powers that are in the book it will be one who yearns to fade and then will die. Over time, if he is soaked in oil, then he will not be able to rotate when exposed to water. Feather in its application is the same one who yearns dg yg oil comes from one who yearns fur tsb.
Usually the one who yearns fur is from Borneo and the Dayak tribe pedalama. Feathers can also come from one who yearns Java in Java if indeed there are populations of birds such as eagles and high tree in Kalimantan.
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